
Village Movement California partners with stakeholders interested in transforming the experience of aging across the state to strengthen impact, accelerate growth and ensure sustainability of the Village Movement.

Together, we advocate for innovative, community-based solutions to improve quality of life and expand choices at all stages of aging, empowering older adults to sustain independence through community and remain in charge of their lives as they age.

Join forces with others to propel the Village Movement!

California Villages

Villages that are already open and those in development are both welcomed to join Village Movement California.

How will membership in Village Movement California benefit my Village?

Heighten your visibility to grow your membership and base of supporters! Benefit from:

  • Exclusive access to a powerful branding toolkit that includes key messages, a visual identity design, and training to promote the work of your Village and link it to the California Village Movement
  • Inclusion in advocacy for inclusion of villages in the California Master Plan for Aging
  • Development of a theoretical framework linking villages to prevention of social isolation and loneliness
  • Statewide data collection being developed to demonstrate the impact of your Village

Strengthen your village with access to training, tools and mutual support

  • Gain access to members-only website resources that include webinar recordings on a range of important topics
  • Participate in statewide convenings and trainings to increase capacity and build sustainability of your Village
  • Attend regional meetings to share strategies, build networks, and problem solve challenges

Help shape the Village Movement!

  • Contribute to shaping Village Movement California’s priorities and plans
  • Take on leadership roles in Village Movement California structure as it expands

Village Membership Fees & Agreements

  • Regular member – $300 annual membership
  • Village to Village Network member discount – $250 annual membership for those villages who are also members of Village to Village Network

We need you! Let your influence be felt as we shape Village Movement California policies and programs. We ask that you:

  • Endorse our mission, vision, and values
  • Endorse and adhere to the  Village Movement Fundraising Principles
  • Add the Village Movement California member badge to your website, digital media and printed materials
  • Amplify our collective visibility! Use our brand and marketing materials to enhance both the work of your individual Village and of Village Movement California.

Community Partners

We encourage groups and organizations who want to demonstrate their support of a better experience of aging to join Village Movement California. Possible Community Partners include:

  • Health care providers, hospitals
  • Universities, teaching institutions
  • Area Agencies On Aging
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Foundations, corporations and businesses with an interest in healthy aging

Benefits of Joining as  a Community Partner

  • Join forces with others to propel the Village movement!
  • At the Partner level – Custom promotion plus Champion level benefits
  • At the Champion level – listing of logo on website, newsletter article, display table/breakout room at annual event
  • At the Supporter level – listing of logo on website
  • Help us advocate for every Californian to choose how they age
  • Access to networking and promotional opportunities with statewide visibility
  • Make an investment that will transform aging both now and for future generations.

Community Partner Membership Fees

  • Supporter Level – $500
  • Champion Level – $1,000
  • Partner Level – $3,500

Individual Supporters

We welcome all those who want to add their voices to Village Movement California as we work together to expand the ways we can age well.

Benefits of Joining as an Individual Supporter

  • Join forces with others to propel the Village movement!
  • Be the first to know when Village Movement California develops new opportunities to galvanize your community
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments in the California Village Movement.
  • Have your name listed in annual report, invitations to events, added to Village Movement California mailing list for all communications

Individual Member Fees

  • Minimum donation is $50

Become A Member

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Ashby Village members are clowning around

Member Spotlight

Ashby Village

With 600 members and volunteers, Ashby Village is a warm, welcoming community, rooted in connection, social support and a spirit of resiliency. We draw strength from one another to live our lives with vitality and joy. Given our Berkeley roots, we are socially active, too, advocating for policies to make our city age-friendly.