Caregiving Support

Conversations on Care

As California’s older adult population continues to grow, the need for caregiving support is expected to dramatically increase, putting pressure on an already dwindling workforce of direct care workers.


Villages are intentional, caring communities that are built on reciprocity and shared interest. They offer vital touchpoints for caregiving for and to older adults living at home who may otherwise feel isolated, particularly those who are widows or widowers, solo agers, or those who do not have children living close by.

Caregiving Trends in California

It is estimated that 6.7 million adults in California are caregivers, with the majority (58%) being women. Caregivers in California are experiencing financial stress and physical and/or mental health problems related to their caregiving role. As California’s older adult population continues to grow, the need for caregiving support is expected to dramatically increase.

Village Movement California is collaborating with the California Coalition on Family Caregiving to better support our older adults and family caregivers, especially for struggling middle-income households.

Read our full conversation here.

Supporting Higher Needs & Frail Village Members

California’s older adult population continues to grow and is quickly approaching the point at which the first baby boomers will turn 85. We are also experiencing these demographic changes in our villages. Founding village members are aging and new members are coming to us later in life at a time when they need more support and services.

In the past year VMC has spoken with many villages who are innovating and evolving to meet the growing needs of their ageing membership.

The conversation continued at the recent BRAVO meeting where villages were invited to share best practices around caring for members with more acute needs.

Read our full conversation here.

Villages as Communities of Care

A conversation with Donna Benton, PhD, Director of the USC Family Caregiver Support Center & Kate Hoepke, Executive Director of San Francisco Village from our 5th annual statewide conference in June 2023 in Oakland, CA.

Watch our conversation here.

Workshop Series

The four part series features a range of topics covered by noted experts and village leaders. All workshops are recorded. There is no cost to register.

Family Caregiver Challenges and Opportunities features Dr. Donna Benton, Director of the USC Family Caregiver Support Center and Professor at USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology (Video recording here)

Developing a Caregiver Support Group features Esther Gillies and Monica Hubbard, founders and members of the Pasadena Village Caregiver Support Group (Video recording here).

Caring from the Heart: Caregiving for a Loved One with Dementia will feature Wayne April, former caregiver and retired Kaiser Permanente gerontology social worker. (Video recording here).

Love in the Time of Chronic Illness: Active Strategies for Caregivers and Care Receivers will feature Barbara Kivowitz, author, caregiver, and health care consultant.  (Video recording here).

Support Group Toolkit

The Village Caregiver Support Group Toolkit offers guidelines for organizing a village social support group, along with information and resources offered by caregiving organizations. A village-based group has many advantages as it is founded on the affinity group members have developed through being a part of the village community. Having group members who know their partners or family members may add an extra dimension of compassion and support. It is available to members of Village Movement California. Scroll down to join.


We recommend that villages build relationships with organizations serving caregivers. Here are some national and statewide organizations. The Toolkit contains regional and local organizations.

Join to get a copy of the Caregivers’ Support Group Toolkit

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Ashby Village members are clowning around

Member Spotlight

Ashby Village

With 600 members and volunteers, Ashby Village is a warm, welcoming community, rooted in connection, social support and a spirit of resiliency. We draw strength from one another to live our lives with vitality and joy. Given our Berkeley roots, we are socially active, too, advocating for policies to make our city age-friendly.