Our Impact

California villages are creating meaningful options for their members to age on their own terms in the places they call home. Villages are using stories and data to describe their successes. Village Movement California documents our members’ impact on the lives of older residents and their communities, and our own impact on the village movement. 

* = Sources: Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Expansion of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes submitted by The Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley, June 1, 2017.  Andrew E. Scharlach, PhD and Carrie L. Graham, PhD, MGS, Co-Principal Investigators. Do Villages Promote Aging in Place? Results of a Longitudinal Study by Carrie Graham, Andrew E. Scharlach and Elaine Kurtovich 2016 from the Journal of Applied Gerontology

ChaiVIllageLA members toast another successful outing

Member Spotlight


ChaiVillageLA is the first synagogue-based village in the country, a bold partnership of two cutting-edge Los Angeles-area synagogues­—Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah—to challenge their congregants to rethink their paradigms of aging and use their accumulated experience, talents, wisdom and creativity to build a community of support, caring and enrichment. Being a faith-based village, ChaiVillageLA aligns itself with the values of its synagogues and the wider Jewish community.