Local Ingenuity Deserves a Statewide Stage

From San Diego to the Eureka and in between, communities are changing aging through innovative programs being run by individual villages.

Too often, villages and their successes remain known only to their members. Local village leaders have full plates running their organizations. Many are even volunteers, meaning they don’t draw a paycheck for their considerable efforts. They need a partner to galvanize their momentum and give voice to their impact. A statewide collective can better explore promising initiatives for better aging—inspiring, amplifying and disseminating the efforts of local villages through the power of scale.

All across California, villages are innovating new forms of community organizing, social engagement and caring services to enable members to thrive in their homes and neighborhoods as they get older. Many of these innovations are scalable or capable of being adapted by other villages in the state, and Village Movement California provides the connections and amplification to make this happen.

How We Do It

ChaiVIllageLA members toast another successful outing

Member Spotlight


ChaiVillageLA is the first synagogue-based village in the country, a bold partnership of two cutting-edge Los Angeles-area synagogues­—Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah—to challenge their congregants to rethink their paradigms of aging and use their accumulated experience, talents, wisdom and creativity to build a community of support, caring and enrichment. Being a faith-based village, ChaiVillageLA aligns itself with the values of its synagogues and the wider Jewish community.