Villages and Age-Friendly Cities
Like a match made in heaven, villages and Age-Friendly Cities share a vision for creating a world in which we would like to grow older.
To maximize the societal impact of the Village Movement, the benefits of villages need to be measured, evaluated and leveraged.
Villages are an experiment in grassroots organizing to promote better health, foster an active lifestyle and fight social isolation among the large and growing 60+ demographic. We know that better physical and mental health result from the increased community interaction and personalized support available to members of villages.
As a statewide coalition, Village Movement California has the reach and resources to drive data collection and analysis among villages, and to publicize the findings among the policy makers in the governmental, foundation and health care sectors. Data describing villages’ impact on members, volunteers, families and communities will contribute to solutions that support better aging among all Californians.
Like a match made in heaven, villages and Age-Friendly Cities share a vision for creating a world in which we would like to grow older.
With 600 members and volunteers, Ashby Village is a warm, welcoming community, rooted in connection, social support and a spirit of resiliency. We draw strength from one another to live our lives with vitality and joy. Given our Berkeley roots, we are socially active, too, advocating for policies to make our city age-friendly.