Sustainability is Key

Current guides and networks exist to assist local community members in navigating the legal and organizational tasks to launch a new village in their area. But shortly thereafter, village leaders must wrestle with longer-term questions about sustainability.

They are forced, by necessity, to operate in the here and now. They lose sleep over the sheer number of operational and financial demands required to keep their villages afloat. However, village leaders know from experience that by uniting they can overcome these challenges. Banding together makes villages more mighty, because they can achieve a scale that ensures their collective voice is heard as well as share the resources that will increase their efficiency, effectiveness and impact.

As with many start-up ventures, new villages often have a relatively easy time finding support systems, funders and organizational resources. Leaders are motivated; philanthropic venture funds are intrigued; best practices are readily available. After the second or third year, however, even successful villages can experience leadership transition, donor fatigue and programmatic entropy. Village Movement California can help villages address the ongoing challenges of growth and sustainability.

How We Do It

Case Studies

Palos Verdes Peninsula Village members at a barbershop quartet event

Member Spotlight

Palos Verdes Peninsula Village

Palos Verdes Peninsula Village provides a community where members continue to grow, engage with one another, and age with independence, dignity and purpose.  Through volunteers and referrals, we provide support and services for members who have chosen to live in the communities and homes they love as they get older. Our mission is to preserve and enhance the comfort, security, dignity and sense of belonging for older residents who wish to continue to live on the Peninsula.