Villages and Age-Friendly Cities
Like a match made in heaven, villages and Age-Friendly Cities share a vision for creating a world in which we would like to grow older.
Moderate and middle-income Californians have few options for aging with self determination—even though they comprise the largest population of those 65+ in age.
Villages and their members need a change agent, an advocacy organization that can work with the state and local policymakers to develop policies and programs that ensure that all Californians can choose from options for aging support that fit their needs and desires.
Village Movement California is working with the statewide and local senior services networks, stakeholders and policymakers to raise awareness of the village model and garner their support for funding, legislation, and programs to support it.
Like a match made in heaven, villages and Age-Friendly Cities share a vision for creating a world in which we would like to grow older.
ChaiVillageLA is the first synagogue-based village in the country, a bold partnership of two cutting-edge Los Angeles-area synagogues—Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah—to challenge their congregants to rethink their paradigms of aging and use their accumulated experience, talents, wisdom and creativity to build a community of support, caring and enrichment. Being a faith-based village, ChaiVillageLA aligns itself with the values of its synagogues and the wider Jewish community.