National Village Day Social Media Toolkit

NATIONAL VILLAGE DAY Saturday, February 15 2025!

Villages create opportunities to help thousands older adults thrive in their homes and connected to their communities. Join us in celebrating and promoting the Village Movement and your village’s impact!

Ways to participate:

  • Share your village’s story on social media – use our social media toolkit below
  • Incorporate National Village Day into planned events
  • Connect with local media and elected officials and invite them to events

Together, we can expand this movement to benefit more seniors across the nation. With more recognition for villages comes more opportunities for funding, and millions more older adults.



Today is National Village Day! Across California, 50 villages empower 5,000+ older adults to age confidently in their homes while staying connected to their communities. From transportation to social engagement to support, villages make aging better. Join our movement: [your village link] #NationalVillageDay #AgingInPlace



Community Care Connections members provide support through transportation assistance

Member Spotlight

Care Connections Network, Huntington Beach

Care Connections Network is a vibrant, active village located in suburban Huntington Beach, California. It is a faith-based village and its membership is comprised of both congregation and community members.  Members are focused on educational and social opportunities and the most popular of these is the monthly educational seminars with a free lunch. Seminar presenters are sourced from local community partners and vetted vendors or other organizations serving older adults often sponsor the lunch.