July 18, 2024

VMC is seeking a Co-Executive Director for Advocacy & Development

VMC is seeking a Co-Executive Director for Advocacy and Development to partner with our Co-Executive Director for Programs and Member Engagement to promote the Village model of volunteerism and services, build on the strengths of California’s diverse communities, and expand the ways we can all age well.

For all the details, please visit our job announcement.


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Community Care Connections members provide support through transportation assistance

Member Spotlight

Care Connections Network, Huntington Beach

Care Connections Network is a vibrant, active village located in suburban Huntington Beach, California. It is a faith-based village and its membership is comprised of both congregation and community members.  Members are focused on educational and social opportunities and the most popular of these is the monthly educational seminars with a free lunch. Seminar presenters are sourced from local community partners and vetted vendors or other organizations serving older adults often sponsor the lunch.