June 27, 2024

Village Network of Petaluma celebrated its 10-year anniversary

Village Network of Petaluma celebrated its 10-year anniversary, with a “jubilant group” for about 100 members packing the community hall at Petaluma United Methodist Church, where the nonprofit organization has its headquarters. 

The group, which officially launched in 2014, began with 20 charter members and 15 volunteers. Today, the local group has 175 members and 100 active volunteers. 

Read full article here.

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Member Spotlight

Pasadena Village

Pasadena Village is not a place to live but a way to live. Our members build strong, supportive relationships through a rich array of member-led programs and activities that help us remain engaged and productive, while making  new friends. We are committed to reflecting the richness and diversity of our neighborhoods. We share a mutual goal to have fun, learn and help each other.