February 15, 2024

Proclaiming National Village Day!

On National Village Day (2/15), CA Senator Anthony Portantino recognized Village Movement California with a Senate resolution for the positive impact villages have on older adults. Pasadena Mayor Victor M. Gordo also recognized Pasadena Village and their 150 members.

The proclamations celebrated the work of the nearly 50 villages throughout California who reach over 5,000 members providing a cost-effective, community-based solution providing social connection, volunteerism, help with independent activities for daily living, and connections with licensed service providers so that older Californians can remain in their own homes and communities!

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Ashby Village members are clowning around

Member Spotlight

Ashby Village

With 600 members and volunteers, Ashby Village is a warm, welcoming community, rooted in connection, social support and a spirit of resiliency. We draw strength from one another to live our lives with vitality and joy. Given our Berkeley roots, we are socially active, too, advocating for policies to make our city age-friendly.