August 27, 2020

July 2020 Newsletter

Telling Our Story

A story is a powerful vehicle for communication, particularly when introducing a concept like our village model that can be challenging for people to grasp. We have an opportunity now to tell the village story in a short, compelling video to help villages introduce themselves to prospective members and community partners. And your village is invited to participate!

A video to help villages share their value in older adults’ lives and communities is underway. A recap of the statewide call about Village Movement California and Racial Justice.

Read newsletter here: July 2020v3CH (


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ChaiVIllageLA members toast another successful outing

Member Spotlight


ChaiVillageLA is the first synagogue-based village in the country, a bold partnership of two cutting-edge Los Angeles-area synagogues­—Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah—to challenge their congregants to rethink their paradigms of aging and use their accumulated experience, talents, wisdom and creativity to build a community of support, caring and enrichment. Being a faith-based village, ChaiVillageLA aligns itself with the values of its synagogues and the wider Jewish community.