April 14, 2020

December 2019 Newsletter

Happy Holidays

Welcome to our last newsletter of 2019. We’ve had a productive year. Major accomplishments include advancing support for villages in the California Master Plan for Aging and securing resources to connect and grow the village movement through partnership with the healthcare delivery system. We look forward to an exciting New Year and wish you a joyful holiday season.

This edition contains notes from the statewide call on Public Safety Power Shut Offs and the BRAVO meeting. It also highlights the goals of the Master Plan for Aging.

Read newsletter here: December-2019-Newsletter-Active-Links.pdf (villagemovementcalifornia.org)


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Photo of 6 villages in front of a waterfall

Member Spotlight

Pasadena Village

Pasadena Village is not a place to live but a way to live. Our members build strong, supportive relationships through a rich array of member-led programs and activities that help us remain engaged and productive, while making  new friends. We are committed to reflecting the richness and diversity of our neighborhoods. We share a mutual goal to have fun, learn and help each other.