April 16, 2020

April 2020 Newsletter

Community Resilience

Resilience is the ability of community to absorb disruption and still retain basic function and structure. Building resilience requires adapting to new circumstances while adhering to core values. It invites transformation. People are the foundation of community resilience, and their courage is essential. Read on to learn about the challenges and opportunities of this time, find inspiration, and gather new resources.

The newsletter’s theme is community resilience. Articles address the challenges and opportunities of this time, provide new resources, and shares words of inspiration.

Read newsletter here: April 2020 Newsletter.cd tweaks (villagemovementcalifornia.org)


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Community Care Connections members provide support through transportation assistance

Member Spotlight

Care Connections Network, Huntington Beach

Care Connections Network is a vibrant, active village located in suburban Huntington Beach, California. It is a faith-based village and its membership is comprised of both congregation and community members.  Members are focused on educational and social opportunities and the most popular of these is the monthly educational seminars with a free lunch. Seminar presenters are sourced from local community partners and vetted vendors or other organizations serving older adults often sponsor the lunch.