June 27, 2024

Village Network of Petaluma celebrated its 10-year anniversary

Village Network of Petaluma celebrated its 10-year anniversary, with a “jubilant group” for about 100 members packing the community hall at Petaluma United Methodist Church, where the nonprofit organization has its headquarters. 

The group, which officially launched in 2014, began with 20 charter members and 15 volunteers. Today, the local group has 175 members and 100 active volunteers. 

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ChaiVIllageLA members toast another successful outing

Member Spotlight


ChaiVillageLA is the first synagogue-based village in the country, a bold partnership of two cutting-edge Los Angeles-area synagogues­—Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah—to challenge their congregants to rethink their paradigms of aging and use their accumulated experience, talents, wisdom and creativity to build a community of support, caring and enrichment. Being a faith-based village, ChaiVillageLA aligns itself with the values of its synagogues and the wider Jewish community.